The scope of the second / final test:
- Processing the text data reprezented as a "C-string" (e.g. array of characters char name[100] )
Examples, with solutions, for task 1 (translated)
- Processing the simple database represented if the form of array o structures
Examples, with solutions, for task 2 (translated)
- Processing the data in the form of external memory data file (stored on HardDrive or PenDrive)
Examples, with solutions, for task 3
Selection of free training resources form Internet:
- MIT / Introduction to C++ / Assignments
- Worldbestlearningcenter / C++ Exercises and solutions
part-1, part-2, part-3
- <w3r>esource / C++ Exercises
part-1, part-2, part-3
- Cplusplus / Forum / Beginner Exercises
- Cprogramming / C and C++ Programming Practice Problems
part-1, part-2
- Cave of programming / Basic C++ Programming: Test Your Knowledge
- Rob Miller / Introduction to C++ Programming / Exercises
part-1, part-2, part-3, part-4, part-5, part-6
- Exercises for Bjarne Stroustrup: The C++ Programming Language (from X2 to X13)