- PLAN ZADAŃ na ostatni tydzień przygotowań.
- Zasady oceniania w konkursie First Lego League:
- Zasady Konkursu "Młody Innowator" ogłoszonego przez stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne NOT (termin nadsyłania rozwiązań jest do 1 marca 2017)
Wybrane prezentacje projektów Animal Allies '2016
- Robot Obedience School Team "Fins Feathers and Fur"
Opis tematu projektu:
For the science project, the team chose to study sharks,
and looked for ways to improve human-shark interaction. They discovered
that sharks aren't interested in eating humans - we are too bony, and
we have haemoglobin in our blood, which they don't like. Sharks would
much rather eat a squid than a human. However, the sharks can only find out that they don't like us by an "exploratory bite".
The exploratory bite can be disasterous for a human. How can we avoid
the exploratory bite? The team found several existing deterrents,
including wearing a stripy wetsuit, which makes the wearer look like a sea snake.
Several species of man-biting sharks are afraid of sea snakes, so this
avoids the exploratory bite. They also found several other deterrents.
The team presented their project by writing and performig a skit.
- The Flying Elephant Project (project on Elephants in Africa)
- FLL Animal Allies Alligator Project - We created an app and website to help people track where they see alligators.
- Team 26423 Project - CalfAlert - An Innovative Solution to help small farmers during their Cows Calving period
- Bee Rights-FLL- Presentation Award (Ochrona pszczół - 1)
- Moral Bots FLL 2016 (Ochrona pszczół - 2)
- The Atoms at FLL regionals (Ochrona pingwinów)
- FLL Animal Allies Skit / Project (Domek dla nietoperzy)
- Michigan Championship "Animal Traffic" 1st Place Innovative Solution
- Obroża dla zwierząt (ochrona przed wypadkami na drodze)
- DOGate Presentation (bramka dla psów)
Przykładowe pytania / wskazówki do projektu Dog - train - direct:
- Would this system be an improvement over the present system?
- How would the dog need to be trained/retrained?
- How would the person need to be trained/retrained?
- How does the person direct the dog today?
- How does the dog signal the person today?
- Would an audible (tone) system be usable? Would it detract from the person's hearing the world around him?
- What would a person do if the system failed?
- Would the dog still need a leash? (Possibly with an electrical signal cable inside.)
- Are there any sensory inputs that could be added to the present harness system to improve information to the person?
(Is there any significant behavior of the dog that the person
presently does not detect? Maybe this could be detected and
transmitted to the person.)
- How expensive is today's harness?
Odsyłacze do systemów wspomagających monitorowanie (kontrolowanie?) zwierząt domowych (psów/kotów):
GOOGLE search: dog collar dog-lead smatphone
Technologia BLE Bluetooth Low Energy
- Wikipedia - hasło Bluetooth Low Energy
- Bluetooth beacons
Beacons or iBeacons—small objects transmitting location information to smartphones and powered by Bluetooth with low energy.
"The use of Bluetooth with
low energy technology just makes sense. NFC generally requires a
customer action, such as tapping a phone to a tag, while GPS is pure
overkill and not likely as accurate in some indoor locations," — Kevin
Tofel, GigaOM
- Video: iBeacons Explained: 10 Things About iBeacons You Need to Know
- Estimote
demo: Estimote Mirror - the world’s first video-enabled beacon
- ang. safe : bezpieczny, pewny, niezawodny, ostrożny, uratowany, unieszkodliwiony, solidny
- ang. dog: a pies - jaki jest . . . każdy sam widzi ;-)